Sunday, August 26, 2012

Shoulder lean

I'm clearly running out of witty titles. I might just start using the date.

Today was a slim crowd; as Sundays tend to be. Jastin wanted to polish up some of our more basic moves to make us all more uniform. Me and Samson ran the same spot over and over, adding more to it each time. The finality of it was this: I'd whip him off the ropes, and he'd hit me with a standing shoulder tackle. He'd go back to the ropes and I'd roll over for a drop down. He'd jump over me and come off the other rope, and I'd leapfrog over him. As he came off the ropes again, I'd hip toss him. Then I'd pick him up he'd reverse and whip me, and we'd do the same spot in reverse. This exercise really helped me with ring positioning and footwork. It was also my first leapfrog. When I do shoulder tackles I have a tendency to run right through them and take extra steps. To properly set up for more spots, I need to stop immediately on impact. That habit was hopefully broken today.bSamson and Mike had a match that I tried to record, but my phone ran out of memory fairly quickly into it.

Next practice on Tuesday.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Late update

Two days later. Whatever. You're not my professor!

Allergies were kicking my ass Thursday, so I was glad we had a pretty light session. It was me, Samson, Issac, Jastin, and three of the newer guys. We got out and chain wrestled as Jastin had a couple of the guys working on running ropes and such. Then Issac and Samson worked out a couple spots in the ring while I taught the new guys drop toe holds and headlock takeovers, and worked on reversals and strikes. Jastin had Allan and I chain in the ring, and he kept up pretty well.

Samson and Issac took a water break while Jastin and I taught irish whips to the new guys. They're coming along pretty well. Afterwards Samson and Issac had a match and I reffed, while Jastin filmed it. Uploaded for your viewing pleasure: here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Get it, son

First thing was rolls as usual. Then Mike had us do 3/4 rolls from corner to corner with a partner. He didn't tell us how many to do. Most of the duos did about 13 sets there and back, and got dizzy and quit. Me and one of the new guys did 23 sets before Mike stopped us. I had started first, so I just kept going to see how long he'd keep up.

After the initial warmups, Mike split the new guys off and had me and 3 others in the ring. Issac and Chris did a long spot called by Mike, and then Delton and I did it as well. Lindsey was training on how to be a ref, so Mike had us slow things down to get her in the right positioning, etc. Then we went ahead and did some matches for her to practice. Delton and I did ours and had pretty much the whole match planned to a T...then we got in there and forgot the whole thing. We got all the parts of the match in there, but had to improv the whole thing. We fucked up a couple spots, but worked through and I think it turned out alright.

My memory is terrible, but I'll work on that. Getting better as long as I keep at it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Two of them have been passed today: over 2k views of this blog, and my first promo. It's almost as if people read this!

Today started as a typical practice, but at one point everyone got into the ring and we all went through the same process. We all gave and received monkey flips, received a body slam, and we all got chopped. Kind of an initiation for the new guys.


Trey performed the clothesline on me and kinda missed. He basically punched me in the side of the head. What a fun experience, he said with heavy sarcasm! Anyway, I finally got to perform the promo I made. Here's a video. There's a lot more background noise than we anticipated, so it's kind of hard to hear. The setup: Richard Long and I were having a match that was interrupted by Madd Mike Payne.

He also shot one on me:

Sunday, August 12, 2012


No update today. Training was moved to a later time and we already had plans, and family in town. Going for Tuesday.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Catching up

Two things off the bat: Blogger tells me where my traffic typically comes from. Mostly it's from Facebook and some of the forums I frequent; but lately it's been telling me one of my top three sources is Stumbleupon. I guess I'm not "hip" on them interwebz cause I don't know what that is. If you are reading this, please comment on where you came here from, and how you found out about this blog if you didn't follow a link posted directly by me. I'm just curious.

Second thing, I didn't post Sunday pretty much out of laziness. This is a catch up post.

It seems that one of the guys that shot the commercial also does web design. It's likely OSW will have a website in the future, with videos, pictures, roster, etc. With the advent of social media in wrestling these days, that means my character page will have a link to Facebook and Twitter profiles. Now, my character doesn't yet have either, but I will create them. I don't even use Twitter, but I guess the dumb short posts I make on Facebook to be funny can be a great substitute for content. I will post them when they are live and active. I also assume a link will be put to this blog, so I'll probably be wanting to focus more on writing purely in character. More on that as it happens.

Sunday's training included two new people yet again. Our family is growing, and that's damn sure what we need. Sunday was like 4 years ago so details are sketchy, but at the end I worked a match against Richard Long "Dick for Short." Mike interrupted the match before it could end and took us both out. Mike's homework for everyone was to write and perform a 90 second promo on our opponent, to be ready by Tuesday.

Tuesday I did not attend. Bridgette (does she need a character name too?) has been working very long hours and has been under a lot of stress lately, and I have barely seen her. She came home Monday night right about when RAW started, was home for an hour, then had to take back off and didn't come back til 11:30. She didn't come home Tuesday until after 7 so I elected to take the training day off and spend a night with her. From what I understand, Mike wasn't there anyway so I couldn't have delivered the promo anyhow.

Today included one more brand new person; although I didn't see the other two from Sunday and I don't know if they attended Tuesday. They wouldn't be the first one-hit wonders I've seen come and go but I hope they stick with it. We always need fresh blood. Hell, listen to me, like I'm a vet. I've only done this 4 months. Anyway, the first bit was Fred handing out a waiver for everyone to sign. Not only was it for medical reasons and liability, it explained the focus of the school and exactly what the training entails and promises. It's good to see some legitimacy brought into the business side. OSW has evolved greatly in the short time I've been a part of it. Anyone who saw the facility when we first moved in and sees it today will see incredible progress; and it's only going to get better and more promising. After warmups we split off, and the new guys worked in the ring on bumps, etc. while the rest of us either chain wrestled on the mat or worked the weights. After all that Jastin tought us how to do a headlock takeover by going to the corner and kicking up and off of it. It's a flashy, more advanced move I immediately felt comfortable doing.

I'll try to be better about getting updates out. The laziness factor is two-fold: coming home so late (and working early) as well as the fact that it is really hard to update this on my phone. The format just doesn't quite work right, so it's infinitely easier on my computer. But, that means shoving all the dirty clothes off the chair, booting it up, blah blah blah. The fans DEMAND updates, so I will do better. I promise.

Training again on Sunday. Hopefully Mike can make it and I can deliver my promo. It's been ready since Sunday night, and I haven't changed a word of it. Once I deliver it, I'll transcribe it to be read here.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

lrn2speak mexican

Currently uploading the teaser trailer and news segment we aired for Univision. They played on TV on got recorded on an iPhone; so of course they are of the utmost quality. If someone else posts an actual upload of them, I'll link to those instead. Here's the links:

Teaser Trailer


For those curious, I'm in the blue and silver lucha mask. You can see me running ropes and standing on the far right in the final shot.

Today's training was a little different. Mike and Jastin had us doing mostly chain wrestling. Truth is, I've done very little of that; and it's kind of essential. I feel like we skipped it entirely and went straight into in-ring work. They're saying we should put everything else on hold and work almost solely on chaining for now, and I agree. If you can't start a match correctly, or comfortably work with someone, why should anyone care about the middle or end of your match? I performed my first headlock takeover today, and Mike said it was the best he'd seen all night.

Trey and Jastin started chaining and ended up putting on a wrestling clinic. Then Mike and Samson "Richard Long, Dick for Short" had a match. This consisted of them working while Jastin, Trey and I made as many dick jokes as we could. You know, things like "Dick's working a little stiff, don't you think?" "He's choking Dick rough, his head is turning purple!" "Dick is like putty in Mike's hands." "Dick is back upright and getting the job done!" We're so witty.

Next training on Sunday.

Commercials are up

That thing I just said. Jackalopes commercials are done and on YouTube. Enjoy!

Commercial 1

Commercial 2