Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In the Spotlight Again

First of all, the segment we filmed yesterday didn't show today as I had thought. What we got was about a 20 second teaser trailer. It looked really good. I recorded it on my phone. Not the best quality, obviously; but I'll get it uploaded at some point. The segment will run Thursday. I'll try to get it too.

Today we re-shot the Jackalopes commercial. Thank god I didn't have to be the mascot again. I hit my cross body as I did last time. For the most part, we all did the same spots. David and Delton did a double team with a splash followed by a spear. Madd Mike Payne hit the poor bastard with a clothesline...ALL THE WAY FROM HELLLLLLL. Trey did a crazy fast airplane spin when Cash was in the suit that almost made me throw up just from watching. Devon, who had been in the suit for most of it, did a picture perfect standing moonsault. They say it should be ready in about 3-4 days.

Next training on Thursday. Now with the ring set back up and our weight equipment mostly ready to go, it's time to get back to the grind. We've got three new guys to break in. It'll be fun!

Monday, July 30, 2012

El Guapo en la casa!

We shot a segment today for one of the local Spanish TV stations. I came to the ring with my old Halloween mask on. I didn't opt for the sharpie tattoos this time. I wasn't involved much in it but I'm there for sure. It will be shown tomorrow at 5 and 10. I don't have DVR but I'll see if I can record it on my phone.

Another commercial being shot tomorrow, this time en ingles!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Placeholder post

Today was a fairly unproductive day. There was some weight work, but a lot of the equipment isn't fully set up yet, and most of it needs work. There were some announcements made about future shows, but I caught the tail end of it so I'll need to get caught up before I can say anything here. I do know that next month we will be having a seminar hosted by Charlie Haas. That's pretty exciting. More to come as I know more...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fresh blood

Today was somewhat of a laid back day. We had a new guy in training. His arms are all sleeve tagged up. I pointed out a Magikarp I noticed, and he showed me a Nuka-Cola bottle and a 20 sided die as well. NERDDDDDDDD

Fred and Jastin were in the back discussing business, so we were mainly without direction. Some of us chain wrestled, some worked with the new guy on bumps, and some of us starting using the weight equipment we just got. Not much else to speak of.

We tore down the ring today and set it on a trailer. It's being rented out for a bike rally show this weekend and we will take it out there Thursday and set it up. No practice, so no blog. No point in making an entry where I confirm the fact that I helped build the ring again.

David, our trainer and my first opponent, is moving to Austin this Friday. We'll miss you, brother.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Temporary hiatus broken

Ok, so there was no training Tuesday or Thursday week before last. Sunday training was canceled because apparently no one was able to show up. This played into my favor, as it eliminated my rush to leave Abilene to get back to town. Tuesday I was stuck at work all day; my RVP was coming to the store that week and it looked like shit. Thursday he had come and gone, but Bridgette and I had a stressful enough week already and hadn't really seen each other, so I elected to instead spend the day with her. So, this Sunday was my first practice back in two weeks; and it felt like it. I was quite winded, even doing the warmups. Gotta stay in it!

Got a text this morning that the article ran in the paper. I bought one and took photos of it: visible on my Photobucket. Here's the link. If we can get some trainees out of it, or a bigger audience, I think we'll be in good shape.

Not a whole lot of new stuff learned this session, but I did perform a tornado DDT off the second rope.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Poetry Corner

I wrote a haiku that describes what some of my training sessions are like:

What's that? A new move?
Ok, I'll give it a shot.
Ow, my back! Fuck! FUCK!

(insert gong noise here)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Short session

Received a text saying for everyone to be prepared for a hard workout today. I expected to show up to a full class and go through some hardcore conditioning. Instead, I show up and Mike's the only one there. Samson and Jastin showed up soon after...and that was it. Samson and Mike still have injuries so there wasn't a whole lot we could do. Jastin taught us drop toe holds and had us perform them at various places in the ring; taking people down in the center, into the turnbuckle, and onto the ropes. Not long after Fred and David showed up. As everyone stood around talking David called me into the ring and set up a long spot. I ducked a clothesline, hit him with a flying shoulder tackle, cross body, and then a drop kick. My drop kicks tend not to be high enough, so we ended up switching it so that after the cross body, I'd throw him into the corner, hit him with a thump splash, snapmare, then come off the ropes with a missile drop kick as he's seated. It's a long spot but it's a great setup for a finisher, or a comeback. Since no one else showed up we didn't feel too much more like working out, so we pretty much just sat and talked for an hour before we left. No practice Tuesday or Thursday. Next Sunday at 6 we should be viewing last Sunday's matches and breaking them down. So, no post until then.