Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday session

Today was pretty harsh. Things I did, in no particular order: Rolling around in the ring, bear crawls, rope drills, jumping jacks, seal push-ups, squats, walked around carrying Brokeback in a fireman's carry; some other shit. I also took: (and some given as well) Body slams, back drops, back body drops, monkey flips, chops, punches, and clotheslines. After the first part, I was feeling like I needed to throw up; but once again I was able to work through it. The rest was diverse and fun. I'll post a pic on Facebook here in a bit of my red chest from the chops. They're really not that bad.

Brokeback had a rough day today. He fucked up at one point so we lined up and all delivered chops to him. It was great practice! I'm gonna start chopping kids at work randomly. That kid's got more determination than I do. If I were singled out like that and made to do everything they make him do, I don't know that I'd stick around. They'll certainly toughen him up, if nothing else. Props to him. I think if he stops overthinking everything and just lets loose and puts everything into his techniques, he'd do fine. He just gets scared and half-asses everything, and the trainers want no part of that. I'm surprised at myself for putting in as much as I have. It's easy to psyche yourself out about how bad things will hurt, but once you actually do them they're entirely bearable. Being flipped over and thrown on your back in the ring is more exhilirating than painful.

Still, from everything today, I'm certain I'll feel it in the morning. I'm gonna take a nice hot bath before bed. Next session is Sunday.


  1. i like that you're trying this out. life's too short not to do fucking awesome shit.
