Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I took a chairshot today; I don't recommend it.

We'll get to that title in a minute. The first part of today was spent talking about the future of OSW, and the current state of affairs. I won't bore you with details. As such, the workout was short. One new exercise I did was hanging my legs from the top turnbuckle and doing vertical sit-ups. This is an excellent stamina exercise that I could do much better if my legs were long enough to lock. I have to focus more on keeping myself up than I do actually doing the sit-ups. Today I learned how to deliver back elbows and elbow drops. We did them in sequence with a body slam thrown in as well. I did my moves decently, and Brokeback was my partner. He couldn't quite get me positioned for the body slam, and I was more let down gently on my side than actually slammed. I'm glad I didn't get hurt. His irish whips were too rushed; if he'd slow down it would flow much better.

This makes me feel like I need to clear something up. For the most part, he's the only one I mention. I'm not trying to pick on him; I truly do hope he gets better and learns to work. It's just that he's the one who has been there the exact same amount of time I have; and no one else has come in since. He helps to give me a frame of reference. In a twisted way, it's like seeing him perform techniques wrong help me to get them right. And he does get them eventually. I look through past entries and it seems like I'm giving him hell. I'm really not trying to.

That being said, his dumbass mentioned at the last practice something along the lines of "I wanna get hit with a chair! How do you do that and it not hurt?" Well, one of the workers heard that and brought a chair today. So, before I left, I took a chairshot to the back. His only advice was "when I hit you, fall down." Well, I did. He told me it was a good bump, so I'll take it as a compliment. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but I'm not dumb enough to say it didn't hurt. In the immortal words of Good Ol' JR: "I don't care who you are! A chairshot is a chairshot!"

Next practice is Thursday. Same bat time, same bat channel.