Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good to be back

It's been a while, so it was good to get the rust off. Today I took some more back body drops, and learned flapjacks as well. I also did an up-and-over maneuver, where you run to the turnbuckle, bounce off the bottom rope and throw your legs up and jump over as your opponent runs under you. Only a few of us are agile enough to do it. It's a real fun move! After it all we moved some stuff around to make a makeshift locker room. As we all were standing around, David grabbed me by the back of the head, led me to the ring, and threw me in. He picked me up, put me in suplex position, and called out a series of spots. He gave me a vertical suplex, a clothesline, pushed me to one corner and threw me into another, gave me a splash, took me down with a bulldog, and then locked me into a submission. Only afterwards did he explain he was finding a way to set up his finisher. He switched it up a bit and found a nice way to transition it more smoothly. I think it would look pretty devastating. This brings home the fact that I need to think of a finisher too. I have a couple of moves I really like, such as corner splashes and cross bodies, but those aren't really finishers. More like signature moves. I'd like to try a curb stomp too; but again, not a typical finisher. The theory of a flying elbow drop is nice; the practice is a little nerve wracking. I guess I need to be booked in a match before I worry too much about it. There's a cookout on Sunday. I'll definitely enjoy that!

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