Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Breaking news

Today, we were told to show up in full gear. A photographer from the newspaper was going to be at practice taking pictures of our workout. It seems they want to do a story on us. And so, he was there snapping pictures as we went through our regular routine. We started putting some spots together, such as corner splash - bulldog - belly to back suplex, or shoulder tackle - clothesline - back elbow, and also hip toss - body slam - Japanese arm drag. Still a little beat up from the match, and feeling cottonmouth, but I kept up. We had a trainee there who hadn't been in a while, so eventually the whole thing kinda devolved into him taking moves from everyone as a sort of punishment; and also just for fun. Mike and David kept hitting him with really big moves that looked pretty heinous. Mike even gave him a powerbomb from the second rope. Poor guy's head almost hit the ceiling beam. Order was somewhat restored and I also learned how to take a powerslam. Fred sat us all down after the photographer had left and told us that it seems the article will be a lot bigger than expected. He's going to come back for more shots, maybe do some light training to see what it's like (well, I guess the writer is the one who will be doing that) and maybe going with some of the workers out of town when they do matches elsewhere, to see life in the locker room and the ride there and back. It's going to be a pretty in depth story, perhaps. I'll make sure to get a scan of it when it happens; but don't know when it will yet. It's going to be great exposure when it does happen. After we locked up and started leaving, the head trainer and I started to talk about his new diet plan, which ended up jumping subjects a lot. We talked for a good hour. Apparently he used to be pretty into DDR and fighting games. It's scary how much we have in common. He's like an older, blacker version of me. I know what you're thinking, "who could be blacker than you," but I'm referring to skin tone. He used to do full band plays of Rock Band and Guitar Hero, and now be knows the secrets behind how certain arcade machines, such as cranes and pushers, are rigged. Next practice is on Thursday. There's big exposure to be had then as well, but I save that entry for that day.

1 comment:

  1. Told your Dad this morning we were going to be known as that Pretty Boy Wrestler's parents. An extension of Mrs Mason's Mom?
