Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Slow ride...

You'll notice there hasn't been an update lately. Well, I haven't been lately. You can blame my job for that. I had some big league coming to my store (head of the games department) and I needed to be ready for the visit. Good news is, it went well. Bad news is, he mentioned the CEO will be visiting our store soon. So much for going back to the daily grind.

So work is stressful. On the flip side, Bridgette's job is far more stressful; which is taking its toll on us both. Things will get better, but for now nights are rough. She's not sleeping, so I'm not sleeping. She doesn't feel well, so I don't feel well. Neither of us slept last night, so we both called in to work. After we went up there and got things set up for a sub, we came home, and slept until 2. It was nice and we needed it.

Went to practice, but my head isn't where it needs to be. Luckily, today was filled with good news. For one, we have dates for some future shows. Sept. 30th in San Angelo, during which time I'll be in Abilene; and Nov. 10th in Stanton. Also January 19th for a fundraiser for Hood Jr. High, and Feb. 9th at the Horseshoe Arena. These dates may be a day or two off but I believe they are correct. As always, us trainees are under constant evaluation as to whether we will be on the card or not.

Secondly, Tony, who I haven't seen in the ring since I very first started due to his own job situation, came in to help us on weight lifting. He took the time to show us proper technique and find out our maxes. Building and shaping my body is probably one of the largest reasons I started this in the first place, so that was exciting.

I'll just have to walk it off and come back full force on Thursday. As you've heard: the party must go on.

1 comment:

  1. This too shall pass, monkey. Give it your best, and we will see you in a couple of weeks <3
