Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday is gonna be a busy day from now on

Session today, from 2 to 6. It's usually 3, but we spent some time sweeping out the place. It seems that Sundays are spent doing conditioning-type things and Tuesday and Thursdays are more about learning moves and techniques. I did, however, learn how to run on the ropes and throw myself over them. Check my Facebook for a picture of the ropeburn on my back. It looks worse in person, but it also looks worse than it is. I can feel it when you put pressure on it, but it's not bad at all. My neck does still hurt, but it didn't slow me down today. I did buy some IcyHot packs on the way home. I anticipate more pain tomorrow.

Today wasn't taught by the owner Fred, but by one of the veteran workers. He was tough on all of us, but especially hard on this one poor bastard who was also there for only the second time. He's a 15 year old kid who wants to go into the Army. He couldn't get the majority of the motions down and David wasn't having any of it. He's a "get up and do it again until you get it right" kind of guy, which makes sense. There was a lot of screaming going on today. One of the first things we did was dead cockroaches in the ring. You lay on your back, raise your head off the mat, and put your arms and legs up into the air at about a 45 degree angle. We held this position for a few minutes; it works out pretty much everything in your body. This kid...started crying. In a way, it was his own fault. He popped his mouth off about how doing these things wouldn't hurt, and that "you can't break me." He was wrong. Fred specifically told David not to stop us until that kid puked. Anddddddd he did. Right in the middle of the ring. That's probably the biggest no-no there is. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? ARE YOU A CHILD? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO THROW UP?"

They spent time on him alone while we found ways to utilize our time. He simply couldn't get down doing a bump, so they forced him to learn the only way they could. There was a lot of double-leg takedowns, shoving, tripping, all kinds of stuff they did to him to force him to fall right. I still don't think he ever quite got it down. To give the kid credit, he never gave up and left, and he said he'll be back Tuesday. Crazy motherfucker right there. I heard him groan, cry, puke, and I could see the expressions on his face, and the frustration of the trainers because he STILL wasn't getting it. Most of us agreed that this isn't for him and he should probably quit before he really hurts himself from doing things wrong, but at the same time I feel like he's trying harder than any of us. He got yelled at a lot by David. I got a fist bump and a "you've got a lot of heart, thank you." Kinda proud of that. I did waterlog myself and did feel like throwing up at one time, but it was never serious enough that I had to step outside. I went last on most exercises so I could rest and work through it. I won't be drinking too fast for long, that's for sure.

The ring needs some repairs done on it Tuesday so our workout will probably be short that night. I'm sure you'll see a post tomorrow about how sore I am and where. I don't feel it too bad now, but I bet I'll be walking gingerly into work tomorrow. Gotta walk it off, son. I'm surprised at myself on how fast I've picked things up. Like I've said before, I had no idea if I had any natural ability or talent. But I'm amazed that I'm in better shape than I thought, and I've been learning things quickly. I'm not trying to get ahead of myself though. One of the first things they said was shut up, open your ears, and shut your mouth. It's the fastest way to learn. I'm well aware of my inexperience. But I apparently have little issue hurling myself over the ring ropes.

At any rate, I'm having fun, and I'm sure my body needs this ass-kicking. It's more fun than the gym ever was.


  1. Mama bear says, kick ass favorite son! You'll have to demonstrate that dying cockroach move. Exercise is a gift to your body when done right. I thought body building was a religious experience when I was your age.

  2. Forgot to mention. New kid's nickname is Brokeback; partially cause he mentioned something about people thinking wrestling is gay, and partially because he's gonna break his back if he can't learn to bump. I'm commonly known as either K' or "the other new guy"
