Thursday, March 21, 2013

Been a while, people. Not a lot has gone on for me wrestling wise lately. It's all been work, work, work. Being understaffed during the busiest quarter of the year kinda sucks. We had a new manager come in and quit in less than three weeks. Her training was longer than that and cost the store three grand. We've been preparing for a visit from a couple bigwigs and it finally happened today. I'm still employed, so I'm calling it a success.

Tomorrow I will attend a seminar, doing yoga with Diamond Dallas Page. That's exciting enough, but Saturday we're putting on a big show featuring quite a number of big names. Along with DDP, we've got Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, U-Gene, Raven, Jackie Gayda-Haas, and of course our local talent. It'll be one hell of a show. We have an upcoming one in Marfa in May I will be participating in. Now that the big visit is over, we have some staff, and things are slowing down, too much work is no longer a valid excuse to stay out of the ring.

I'm still here, people. I promise.


  1. It's been said DDP's yoga is magic. Jake Roberts has allegedly been sober for 60+ days and they have The Bad Guy living with them. People talk a lot of shit about Scott Hall. I pray for him to be well.

    Enjoy. What you're doing right now is your time to make memories.
