Last Sunday was the first time I'd been back in the ring in a while. It felt good. It also reminded me that leaving for any amount of time will certainly bring on ring rust and destroy cardio. Due to long hours at work I was unable to attend practice that Tuesday or Thursday; or do anything fun, get anything done, or even give my girlfriend a ride home from work. So, yesterday I was happy to be able to make it.
We practiced many things, none of them new to me, until we were going over the top rope onto somebody on the outside. I didn't quite get horizontal enough and my right shin hit the apron. There was some significant swelling, but it was easily walked off. That would have been no big deal, but we followed that with second rope cross bodies. Well, I decided to volunteer first for three reasons: I want to do a top rope one as my finisher, my adrenaline was still flowing, and I'm dumb.
I landed two in a row just fine, but because I was consciously trying to avoid landing on my shin (and spraying blood and pus all over the canvas) I took it too hard in the knees. My right knee swelled even larger than my shin by the end of the night. I was fine as it happened; I was able to run the ropes without much issue. Today, however, walking is hard!
Hopefully I'll be back up and running soon. It's just swelling and bruising.